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Jesse brown’s

Sheet Music & Books


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Instantly download sheet music for Jesse Brown’s most popular pieces and new releases. Click on the album covers for more information and to see the first page of each piece as well as listening to audio samples.

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Piano Books

Jesse has, to date, completed four piano songbooks for intermediate to advanced skill levels. All pieces have been added to the Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Syllabus for use in official examinations. Each book provides the pianist with the opportunity to hone their skills while learning new music that is fun to play and enjoyable to listen to. With some of the most exciting and diverse piano sheet music books on the market, Jesse’s piano books are sure to please as they wind through a variety of genres, ranging from pop styles to heavy metal and reggae.

Brown's Notes Vol. I

12 solo piano pieces written for the intermediate pianist and inspired by the students of Jesse Brown’s Music’scool. A broad range of styles are covered from heavy metal to reggae and classical pieces and range in level from 4 to 6

Brown's Notes Vol. II

12 solo piano pieces written for the late intermediate pianist and inspired by the students of Jesse Brown’s Music’scool. A broad range of styles are covered from Blues to Rags and pop pieces and are suited to grade 6 and 7 students.

Brown's Notes Vol. III

11 solo piano pieces written for the intermediate pianist and inspired by the students of Jesse Brown’s Music'scool A broad range of styles are covered from heavy metal to reggae and classical pieces and range in level from 8 to 10.

Heartwork book

14 Advanced Piano Solos in an ‘easy-listening, pop, jazz’ style set of works. This appealing collection of advanced solos has been selected for inclusion on the Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms listing for Grades 7 through 10.